And you, are you willing to risk your health?

Today there are different treatments for weight control, even displayed in social networks promising immediate results and without even considering the current health status of each patient, of the most mentioned are those that include miracle products which are nothing more than another disguised multilevel company product, they even mention that they are from other countries, but upon further investigation we found that they do not even exist. That is why, when we delve deeper into this matter we find different articles, which in summary say the following: 

The Spanish Society of Nephrology (SEN) highlights and warns about some important issues regarding renal pathology, for example that:

Hyperprotein diets were associated with an increase in glomerular filtration rate [a data that explains the "increased" work of the kidneys], serum urea, urinary calcium excretion and serum uric acid concentrations.

Nowadays, studies are coming to light that show that there is a high risk of kidney disease among obese people, due to weight reduction programs that recommend high protein diets.

Faced with the hyperproteic reality of our time in which we already include more proteins than all the recommendations indicate; faced with the pressure to make our existence more hyperproteic; faced with the urgency of slimming diets that emphasize this issue and faced with the evidence that we already have today (even beyond what logic says) it is up to you to decide: 

Are you going to take a gamble with all those who propose a health improvement or do you trust the success of a slimming program through a hyperproteic diet?

I would think twice...